Wednesday, 30 January 2013

back to school

The boy is back to school...

I had forgotten how long the day can feel with my boy at school. I was not one of those parents who cheered as I drove my child to school nor am I the type of mother crying as I wave good bye to my child. I trust the staff at my sons school, I feel confidant that they will do the best for my boy and although I do miss him I enjoy the moments rest and look forward to hearing his news when I pick him up.
I kept it pretty simple today, thought I needed a rest after a busy school holidays. So missy and I did a bit of shopping, I always feel a bit ashamed how much I enjoy shopping. I understand that I am extremely blessed to have enough money that I can go shopping for pleasure. Apart from picking up a few bits and pieces for the kids I found this table cloth at the Salvos. Its seersucker and I have to say that I am a sucker for seersucker. When I was a little girl my mum and nan had clothes like these so I was rather chuffed to find this. The photos really don't show how lovely it is.
I also refreshed a second hand dress for missy. It had a few stains on it so I thought a bit of dye would freshen it up. I am trying to make do with what with have, mending and refreshing second hand item instead of always discarding things and rushing out to get something new. Sometimes I think about all the things we waste and all the discarded clothing and broken toys going into land fill. While my family by current Aussie standards isn't well off we have to watch all our pennies I know by global standards we are crazy rich both my husband and I drive cars, I can go to the dr when we are sick, get medicine when we need it and can educate our children. We have cupboards full of toys, clothes and books so I want to try and consume less and teach my children to satisfied with what they do have rather than dwelling on what that don't have.

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A bit about me… I’m a wife, a mother of three kids, I’m a Christian, a teacher, I cook, I clean, I sew, I paint, I garden. I'm a contradiction of myself, I eat too much drink too but try to keep healthy, I get cross with my husband, I don’t always have enough patience with my kids. I get caught up on the stupid details of life and sometimes forget about the importance of the big picture. This blog is my blog, my space to share, to rant, a place to create I hope you like what I am doing and would love you to follow along.