Softies with a pattern
Longer than I care to remember ago I was at a craft fair and came across this Melly & Me pattern. As I want to get stuck into designing and making my own softies I thought it would be good to have a go at making someones tried and tested design.
I made these to beauties in one day while my son was at school and while missy slept so really not a heap of time. I learnt a bit from having a go (I'm a big believer in the best way to learn is to get in and have ago) the face was simple to sew and effective, I had issues placing the arms in and really should have read the instructions closer rather than rushing in. I also had concerns about how much to stuff them I think soft toys look sad when under stuffed but I also didn't want them to be bursting at the seems. For added fun I added noise makers to help them come alive. But all in all my kids love them and it was really rewarding Christmas morning to give my two darlings something I had made them master 6 years old was so impressed with my handy work while missy 10 months old shoved hers straight in her mouth.
I now have lots of idea for my own creations once the boy is back at school. The list is growing a bit to rapidly....
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