Wednesday 6 February 2013

Chrissie Swan Admits She Smokes Whilst Pregnant

If Chrissy Swan was my girlfriend...

If Chrissie was my girlfriend, and by that I mean the type of friend you can tell whats what to. I'd start by giving her a hug,
if you heard Chrissie on the radio as she made her tearful confession you would know she needs it. Then I'd put thew kettle on because I think it would be some what inappropriate to offer her a wine.
By now we have all either heard or read that beloved Chrissie Swan has admitted that while pregnant with her third child she has smoked. This has all come to a head because Chrissie was photographed smoking. Her grubby embarrassing secret  was going to be aired so she beat them to the punch.

Personally I always find it concerning when a friend does something totally out of character and for what I know of Chrissie (and we are not friends) this is out of character. In her confession she said that previously she had felt that women who smoked while pregnant were stupid, self and bogans and she did not identify with any of these. How easy it is to sit in the seat of judgement when we have it all under control. Prior to having my first child I thought self stupid women had c-section and didn't breast feed. I ended up with an emergency c-section and struggled to breast feed for four months.
If Chrissie was my girlfriend I would tell her that I think she taken on more than any one person can handle without cracking at least at bit. Listening to to Chrissie tell of all that has been happening in her life juggling two young children, two radio shows, a t.v. show, a weekly column, moving house and an unexpected pregnancy frankly made me feel like reaching for a dart. Because I two like Chrissie have wrestled with the smoking demon. Its my crutch and when life becomes boiling over stressful it is very difficult to not reach out for these small moments of relief that can be found lighting up a sneaky ciggy, stuffing your face with food, knocking backing a wine.  I think that Chrissie's real admission was that she is human, she stubbed, she has struggled and made mistakes. Of course she is not proud of her action but will crucifying her help her? Will it help her unborn baby? Or her gorgeous family? NO!! I don't know Chrissie and I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if flagellating herself would atone for her sins then she would probably do it. But it wont. Stressing Chrissie is only stressing her baby, so lets all give her a bit of support. Let her know that while she has made a terrible mistake it doesn't erase all the good she has also done as a person and as a mother. I don't condone what Chrissie did, she doesn't, she is not asking for absolution but she does deserve to know its OK to be human.
Why is it as women we seem to be so hard of each other? Its a woman's magazine that has reportedly bought the photos of her smoking. Why? How does it up lift women to be able to sneer in judgement I'd never do that" and maybe you wouldn't but maybe she would never raise her voice to her kids, swear at them, feed them 2 minute noodles for dinner. And who are we to judge each other? Aren't we all just trying to to our best? How are we helping each other when we sit around criticising each other rather than supporting each other as life's hurdles pop up. (And I don't just mean when we are mothers, but to be honest I think that as mothers we are very guilty of this.)Lets all stop giving each other a hard time for making poor choices because lets be honest its bloody hard sometimes being a person. Hate and resentment breeds hate and resentment and people don't do their best from that place, we make better choices when we feel. As corny as it sounds lets all treat each other the way we want to be treated and when we stuff up and have to back bone to acknowledge it lets all just move on, trying to to better.
Its been reported that a woman's magazine has bought the photos of Chrissie smoking and I for one now am going on the record to say that I will not buy that magazine, and I will not but any edition of it for at least a year. This is my protest at women reviling in each others stuff ups. It service no positive purpose to print those photos, it will shame Chrissie all over again, be another chance for the judgy people to sit high up and judge and will give those who and doing things that they are shameful of further justification of their position. So please join with me and boycott that magazine that wishes to revile in someone else mistake and shame. Because lets be honest we all stuff up and when we do we want to be allowed to move forward.

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A bit about me… I’m a wife, a mother of three kids, I’m a Christian, a teacher, I cook, I clean, I sew, I paint, I garden. I'm a contradiction of myself, I eat too much drink too but try to keep healthy, I get cross with my husband, I don’t always have enough patience with my kids. I get caught up on the stupid details of life and sometimes forget about the importance of the big picture. This blog is my blog, my space to share, to rant, a place to create I hope you like what I am doing and would love you to follow along.