My little poppet id 15 months old and whilst I can hardly believe where the time has gone she is clearly no longer a baby but a full fledged toddler it time that the activities I find for her need to step up to capture my growing girls attention. So this week we have discover balloons, bubbles and play dough.

I will admit that I had been weighting for bubbles I love the excitement that little ones get over bubbles. This week I finally bought my girl some bubble mixture and she loves it. She may not be quite up to blowing bubbles yet she loves to cheer me as I blow the bubbles and tries to grab them, simple joy.
Also this week we tried play dough. I made my first batch in years (I'll put the recipe below). I have wondered if she may still be a little young but she loved it pulling it apart, squishing it and patting it.

Play Dough
2 cups plain flour4 table spoons cream of tartar
2 table spoons cooking oil
1 cup sault
2 cups water
food dye
to this batch I added a splash of rose water but this is optional you can also had peppermint essence, lavender, glitter a whole host of things but if your little one is still putting everything into their mouth make sure that what you put in is eatable.
Put every thing in a medium size pan and mix together on a low heat until it comes together it will take 3 to 5 minutes.
Make sure the play dough isn't too hot before you give it to your little one, but it is lovely to play with warm dough on a cold day.
Store in a an air tight container and will last for months.
She's so beautiful, lil munchkin!