Racism is all over the news at the moment 13 year old
calling Indigenous Australians apes, Eddie McGure apes comments, police with
inappropriate stubby holders, rants on trains and buses. So what is racism,
what is ignorance and what’s and joke?
Good old Wikepidia defines racism as: Racism
is usually defined as views, practices and actions reflecting the belief that
humanity is divided into distinct biological groups called races and that members of a
certain race share certain attributes which make that group as a whole less
desirable, more desirable, inferior or superior
Racism can be insidious
with deeply held beliefs that one race is better than another simply by their ethnic
back ground. It can be narrow minded and uneducated. Hurtful jokes and ignorance.
I don’t think that racism is a black and white issue, no pun
intended there is a whole lot a grey.
I believe before we start to cry racist we need to access a
few facts, in what situation was it said to who by who and where? And what was
the intent behind it? I am sure that no one will argue that the things that we
are happy to be said in private between friends is different to those that we
want said in public. I have friends who we will jokingly call each other moles,
cows and bitch but if someone was to yell that at me whilst I was working, was
to say it on the radio I would take offence. I have friends of Indian backgrounds
who describe themselves as curries. Wog has become a reclaimed turn once having
been highly offensive is now acceptable by a lot of people of Mediterranean
back ground.
I think that it says a lot about our society that our young
people are growing up with so few connections with Indigenous Australians that
they have no understanding of why calling an Indigenous Australians an ape is
so massively offensive. (In case you
were not aware, when the English settles Australia it was considered by the
English that Indigenous Australians were more closely related to apes than
humans therefore it was ok to threat then appallingly.)
There is a great You Tube clip of a song that’s currently
doing the rounds everyone's a little bit racist. I think its true. But what
is the intent behind the comment is it any ruder to say that Asian are bad
drives to saying that people who wear hats while driving are bad drivers. Is it
racist to refer to a style of wedding as a big fat Greek wedding, is it wrong
to describe a wedding as a bogan wedding.?
Part of the Australian way is to have a dig at people, not
to be cruel but to have a giggle at each other. It would be sad to see things
so pc that we lost those jokes and comments. Last year I heard Kate Langbrook
say ‘what’s so wrong with offence, why is it such a big problem if I say
something that offends someone?’.
Without us being so painfully PC that it becomes crazy there will be
times that we do indeed say things that offend. To me the issue them becomes
how is that issues handled , is the offend party happy to explain why what was
said was rude, is the person prepared to listen and take the comment on
board? In my mind there are comments I
just wouldn’t make I would never make a joke about the holocaust, I’m not
comfortable with saying niger but I have
a small understanding of why these are no go areas to me and many others.
Basically I think we as a community should never be setting
out to hurt and upset others and ideally of a joke is made in poor taste or a
comment goes awry we should be able to pick the person up and explain why it’s
a rude and offensive term to be used. Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately not
everyone is aware of the back ground of racial slurs.
Racism isn’t black and white…retreating people with respect
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