Lately I have been feeling like a bit of a craft fraudster. Between school holiday, virus and life business I haven't had nearly as much time for my crafting as I would like. At the start of the year I would at least one day a week sit and sew. It helped a lot that missy was still having two naps a day.
But due to my own self inflicted guilt I wanted to prove that I am still doing bits and pieces sewing wise. Even is it is less than I would like and forgetting that I have a massive list of things I really want to make.

Not all the sewing I have been doing has me pure pleasure. I had these vests for my sons school production. Eight of them, while I was very happy to help I have to say that sewing stretch satin and adding gold lame is not my idea of fun. But I think that they look pretty hot.
I always like to have a hand sewing project going. And at the moment this is what I am working on. I have been planning to do a blog post on how to reproduce this but its taking a little longer to finish than I had planned. Not because it is difficult work but just because I need more time to craft.

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