Saturday 31 August 2013

Oh Happy Days

What is there not to be happy about? Its the first day of spring, how wonderfully amazing, the weather is already brighter the flowers are blooming. Despite the hay fever and asthma I love spring. Spring feels like the reward for surviving winter (have I mentioned I dislike winter).
Another reason today is a happy day its Sunday but not just any Sunday it Fathers Day. In honour of this special Sunday I am giving my husband and the incredible father to my children, what I know he really wants and needs, time. Time to do nothing, time to just hang at home with the kids and myself. Its a bit of a cheeky present because its also for the kids and myself. Like so many families we get so busy, time seems to just disappear. We get busy working, schooling, cooking, cleaning being here and there and everywhere. So today along with the craft from child care the school Father Day stall treasure we are slowing down. We are going to slow down, we are going to lay in bed with the kids climbing all over us, we will tickle the kids and chase them down the hall, sing and dance as we make a late lazy breakfast. Because I know that the days may feel long and the years are short. That time as a family is golden and needs to be cherished.
I hope wherever you are today that you can share the day with the people who make you smile.

The Cliché of Fathers Day

For the past few weeks everywhere I have looked I have seen cliché of what being a Father looks like. Broad shouldered men with little pot bellies who are slightly thinning on top wearing long shorts and polo tops. Men who like to barbeque, golf and fish, men who like to stand around together turning sausages (hmm that sounds wrong). But my point is my fella (who is an amazing dad) and lots of dads I know don’t fit these clichés. They don’t follow football, they don’t want golf balls for father’s day or a tie. They are young guy men , who listen to current music, watch t.v, like playing video games, go on facebook .I know that there are older dads who love to read or go to jogging. Dads come in many shapes and sizes but the one thing that units all great dads isn’t a biological connection to their kids, it’s not even their corny jokes.  A great dad is a man who can be selfless, who understands that you need to not only give your kid stuff of clothes, food, shelter. Kids need their dads, for their dads to give them their time, time to play, to make a mess, to be corrected and to feel valuable.  Little boys learn how to be men from their dads and little girls learn how men treat women from their dads.  I'm my humble opinion any dad who shows up and gives his best is doing alright.
To all the dads out there young and old, to the dads who like football and dads who like to watch movie I hope you all know how amazing you are. I hope that today your kids are able to show you what a super hero you are and that hopefully you get a sleep in.

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A bit about me… I’m a wife, a mother of three kids, I’m a Christian, a teacher, I cook, I clean, I sew, I paint, I garden. I'm a contradiction of myself, I eat too much drink too but try to keep healthy, I get cross with my husband, I don’t always have enough patience with my kids. I get caught up on the stupid details of life and sometimes forget about the importance of the big picture. This blog is my blog, my space to share, to rant, a place to create I hope you like what I am doing and would love you to follow along.