Saturday 24 August 2013

Will someone stop the bloody boats?

If I am honest I am desperate for someone, anyone to stop those infernal boats crashing on our shores! I am sick and tired of hearing of boat load after boat load of people crushing into our country and I am just plain sick when I hear about another boat load of people needing to be rescued. I find it utterly heart breaking to think of people so desperate to flee to safety that they would risk their lives and even the lives of their children. Sitting in my warm comfy house in suburban Melbourne with the fridge fully stocked, preparing to take my kids out to play  with no fear that someone will shoot, rape or kidnap any of us, I truthfully find it really difficult to imagine how horrific peoples situation must be, how desperate they are to find safety that they would get on one of those boats. But I do believe they are desperate and I know that as a fellow human I should be trying to help them.
I can't claim to have a solution, although I honestly wish I did. I can see what we are currently doing is not only not working it is not fair and just. I want people to stop risking their lives in those boats, I want people who are desperate  be helped not punished. I don't want us to lose sight that these people are people, people with mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers that these people have hopes, dreams and human rights. That as fellow humans we have an obligation to help protect them. If it was your child or sister, father who had no paper work and was trying to flee a violent situation wouldn't you hope that someone would help them?
These people are not boat people, they are not illegal immigrants (its not illegal to flee from danger and seek safety.) They are people seeking asylum . Meaning that they are fleeing danger.
I do understand that the issue is tricky that we need some control over who comes into our country and how to we support these people. But surely there is a better way than what we are currently doing because frankly it makes me a bit a shamed of being an Australian.  
Is it too much to expect our government find a solution that doesn't infringe on peoples human rights or breach UN agreement?

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