Tuesday 17 December 2013

On the eight week of Christmas: I made a felt chain

Last month in Frankie magazine the lovely Pip Lincolne showed of a chain she made for Christmas decoration from crocheting the loops. Now I am no crochet export in fact cant even crochet a stich but it did get me thinking of the idea of having a paper chain made out of something longer lasting. Which gave me the idea of the felt chain, simply strips of felt cross stitched into loops lovely, easy and was rather nice to slow down and do some hand sewing at this crazy time of year.
Once again I got my felt from the lovely lady at Felt Inspired because its pure wool and a pleasure to work with. If your keen to try some email her at jemfeltinspired@gmail.com .

Step 1: Cut felt into strips I made each strip 2.5cm x 15cm I found the best way was to measure them out with a ruler and mark them with a grey lead.

Step 2: Cross stitch the loop together.

Step 3: Thread the next piece thru and stitch again.

Then repeat repeat repeat.

If your not sure how to do cross stitch them follow this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-fPxJWfTG4&feature=youtu.be
And remember to try and take a moment to relax this time of year is as crazy as you let it be.

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A bit about me… I’m a wife, a mother of three kids, I’m a Christian, a teacher, I cook, I clean, I sew, I paint, I garden. I'm a contradiction of myself, I eat too much drink too but try to keep healthy, I get cross with my husband, I don’t always have enough patience with my kids. I get caught up on the stupid details of life and sometimes forget about the importance of the big picture. This blog is my blog, my space to share, to rant, a place to create I hope you like what I am doing and would love you to follow along.