Tuesday 25 March 2014

Getting Real

First off I want to make an apology to my mother and other delicate folks I am going to swear a fair bit in this post, there are some points that need the added effaces of a four letter word.

Secondly I would like to say how excited I am that fingers crossed my computer issues are over.

Thirdly, this post is honest I am sick of bullshit. One thing I have always wanted for my blog is to be authentic, thus the photos that I post they are not staged they are just my real life moments captured. The same about what I write, I maybe wrong, I may upset some folks but its me for better or worse shared with the world (well anyone who cares to read it).

This is in part the post I wanted to write for last Sunday but couldn't because my computer was having some sort of nervous brake down, a bit like myself.

My baby girl in no longer a new born. She is past six weeks old the theory now is that we are settling into a nice routine, the theory would also be that being my third baby I know what I am doing. Let me tell you both theories are bullshit. I'm not sure if its me or if there is something I'm doing wrong but I am not in a routine. Some days seem to have a lovely rhythm our days its all bets off and I seem to spend the day with a baby a attached to my boob as I make lunch, peg out washing and wrangle a toddler.
The truth is I am not the mother I thought I would be. When I was pregnant with my first i imagined a case book ten hour labour, I imagined breast feeding with ease for twelve months, taking lovly walks with my baby in the pram, sitting in cafes breast feeding while i sipped on decaf coffee. This was not the reality. I had an emergency c-section, struggled to breast feed, felt ashamed and like i had failed my child before I had even started.

Second time round I thought I had it covered lost weight and got fitter going into my pregnancy to hold me in good stead for the pregnancy. This time I was going to to be the earth mother i longed to be. Read the books, did the classes, meditated, drank herbal tonics. Ended up after four days of spurus labor with another emergency c-section, Struggled again with breast feeding and ended up a mess literally (and I know that word is over used but this is not the case this time) Laying on my kitchen floor howling as my baby screamed and I felt totally overwhelmed and unable to sooth my child.

But the third time I was a bit more realistic going into things. I booked in for a c-section. Even shelled out to stay in a very nice private hospital so that I could have a longer rest and go home feeling more capable. This time I had hoped that I could breast feed with ease after all second time round it took a long time to get established but then I feed my daughter till she was 18 months.
However my daughter is almost seven weeks old and we are still struggling with feeding. And may I add struggling to find good support. She is slow to put on weight so I offer her formula after i breast feed her sometimes she takes it other times i can hardly get 5mls into her.   
Its a strange feeling when I watch her drink most of the bottle in part I feel relieved that she is getting what she wants the other part of me feels bereft that my body feels like it is failing me because I so desperately wanted to breast feed her. But it doesn't seem to matter what I eat, drink or  swallow I cant seem to build up my milk supple. And that makes me feel like a fucking failure. 
At a time in my life when i want to be all happy and earth mothery skipping along the street with my gorgeous and amazing children I once again feel like a failure. In my head i know that I have done my best, tried as hard as i can, that I am in fact extremely blessed to have three healthy kids, that I have access to safe drinking water in which to clean bottles and make up formula. But my heart betrays me and I feel like as a mother and as a woman I have done something wrong.

 Now i know that what i just wrote seems rather alarmist and thos who are close to me and know that I have suffered from PND in the past now maybe worried that I am going down that path again. Maybe I am nut I don't feel to bad today I'm tired and need more rest but this time I wont try and be brave and pretend that its all really easy when at times it feels really fucked. I also want you to know that its not all dark clouds. My baby girl is a very calm and settled baby she sleeps well and is so lovely to hold. When I watch the two bigger ones adoring their baby sister i feel at peace that the family is complete. Its just unfortunate but reality that with sun shine comes the rain.

I would really like to gather some stories of difficulties you had when your baby was first born and how you got thru it. Because I think as mother when we can be honest that this is really bloody hard at times it makes the good moments all the sweeter. So email me laurshapal@gmail.com or leave something in the comments.


  1. Lauren, you are way too hard on yourself. Look around at the adults you know and see if you can pick who was breast fed and who wasn't. If you can breastfeed that's fine, but honestly I've seen plenty of babies thrive on being bottle fed. Contrary to what the breast feeding brigade will try and tell you....bottle fed babies are not fat, they don't catch everything going around.... in fact they are usually happy and healthy, just like breast fed babies. Be kind to yourself :-) Debbie

    1. Thanks Debbie I think that my desire is largely emotional wanting to do something that is meant to be so natural ect I know many women struggle with breast feeding in fact some mothers i admire greatly bottle feed their babies. Its just something I had hope would come much more easily than it has for me but I am grateful for my healthy children and know I am blessed to have an alternative.

  2. As always, I love your honesty Lauren!

    1. Thanks Kelly I hope my honesty doesn't put you off breeding


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A bit about me… I’m a wife, a mother of three kids, I’m a Christian, a teacher, I cook, I clean, I sew, I paint, I garden. I'm a contradiction of myself, I eat too much drink too but try to keep healthy, I get cross with my husband, I don’t always have enough patience with my kids. I get caught up on the stupid details of life and sometimes forget about the importance of the big picture. This blog is my blog, my space to share, to rant, a place to create I hope you like what I am doing and would love you to follow along.