Thursday 28 March 2013

things I have been loving lately

So here on am on a rather gloomy afternoon with the family thinking about the past three months the end of Summer the beginning of Autumn the start of the school year the start of Missy at child care and I am also thinking of the far more materialistic I have been loving.

One of the places I loved visiting this past month was the Makers Marker at Abbotsford Convent
I love seeing what other crafters have come up with and a trip to the convent is always lovely a trip to the bakery for a great coffee as well us something to eat.

While we were there Mr took part with Inside The Bricks
  I love it! Its a Lego building club the kids and their parents all get together with a huge amount of Lego and build like crazy I think that its a great idea to get kids together sharing something that they all love. they can share skills and ideas with each other and its a bit funny watching some adults get carried away.

I have also been doing a fair bit of surfing the net I mean research which has lead me to find two site that cross over with each other the first is My Poppet really this lady is doing what I want to do but a lot better lots of crafty inspiration. I bought her e-book The Craft Of Markets which I found full of helpful advice and rather inspiring to push me along a little more. The book was written with her friend who has another site The Habby Goddess ttp://
what I like about the site is that there are some interesting items which you wont find in Spotlight and Lincraft. She also has a bricks and mortar store which I may take a drive to and visit in the next little while.

Other very shallow things I am enjoying is winter clothes I love the change of season I buy a lot of my kids clothes the year before the size I think they will be the following season I find this saves me heaps and it also means that its like shopping for free when I pull then out of the wardrobe. Now am I the only one who feels the need to pre wash everything before their kids wear them? Post a comment I would love to know.
Now with all my Internet research there was one item I just had to get little Miss. I have been fan of Rock Your Baby clothes for a long time only do they look great they wash and wear well, they may seem like silly fru fru clothes but I would truly argue that they are great practical every day clothes with just the right amount of fru fru.
Marching Band Long Sleeve Dress Pink This child looks almost as cute as my little Miss looks in her marching girls dress. And before you start screaming 'but you said it was practilal' really it is, cotton jersey wash and wear what could be more practical than that?

Before I sign off I want to make it clear that currently my blog is completely independent and I have got no sponsorship, no kick back for any of the stuff I have plugged above its just things I wanted to share. If I ever get sponsor or kick back for a plug I will make it clear. xx

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A bit about me… I’m a wife, a mother of three kids, I’m a Christian, a teacher, I cook, I clean, I sew, I paint, I garden. I'm a contradiction of myself, I eat too much drink too but try to keep healthy, I get cross with my husband, I don’t always have enough patience with my kids. I get caught up on the stupid details of life and sometimes forget about the importance of the big picture. This blog is my blog, my space to share, to rant, a place to create I hope you like what I am doing and would love you to follow along.