Saturday 29 June 2013

EOFY reflections

What a week in fact maybe what a month. June I always find it hard its cold, wet, dark way too early. Now July hold promise July is the month of my birthday and holds my most exciting night out of the year in the form of a charity ball we go to ever year and start the night off pretending we are all la de da until it all goes a tad a wry.

I worked a bit extra to cover the weeks of the school holidays when I wont be able to get work. I really enjoy work once I get there but dam the mornings can be hard. My beloved and I try our best to be organized the night before, packing bags, doing loads of washing but no matter what we do it is brutal trying to get the four of us out the door by 7:30am. And as a mother there is something extra sucky about loading your kids into the year when its still half dark and the car in covered in frost. I feel particularly bad for our daughter as she is too young to understand why our routine has changed and for few days and of course she got a cold in the middle of all of this so I ended up not working quite as much as I had hopped.

But I can't quite believe that we are half way through 2013!!! Where does the time go? I swear any second I will look at the calendar and it 2016. I heard someone say the other day in relation to raising small people 'the days are long but the years are short'. Never have I heard a more true statement. My kids are growing up way to fast but it seems like forever since I had a full nights uninterrupted sleep.

The other day while we were out side my seven year old son said 'look at this...its fully sick' and it wasn't in reference to a sick puppy. Where had my little bob the builder watching boy gone? The other morning I informed him that Kevin Rudd was again the prime minister to which he replied that he hoped that Rudd would still be bringing home the troops from Afghanistan next year. I half expected for him to draw my attention to an article in the Green Weekly. 

And its no better with my little girl who is 16 months old. This morning we were having a snuggle in bed then when she left she had enough she slide out of bed said 'bye bye' and toddled down the door even managing to open doors along the way.

Often I find that my ideas to what my life would be like with children to the reality are vastly different. I had images of trips to the park where the kids would happily play and I would push them on the swing and in fact I spend half my time hovering over my daughter who is bolder than a brass band and love to push the limits. I had visions of us all sitting around happily eating dinner together the reality is my darling man often gets held up at work and is late my kids need to eat before 6 or turn into gremlins.

The other day my son asked for me to make something special for the end of term class party and because he got an amazing report from school as well as a good dose of mothers guilty from working too much and feeling that he is growing up way to fast. I agreed to make the tiny teddy cars.
Agreeing to make these cars I had visions of doing it happily and calmly in the afternoon while my miss napped. But the weather prevented me from getting to the shops in the morning so it got delayed till after dinner. So there I was after dinner and having got the kids into bed fiddling with tiny teddies.

What you need:
Mini milky ways (actually I used the Woolies brand they were yummy)
Tiny Teddy biscuits (again I used the Woolies brand)
Life savers
Chocolate to melt and stick the stuff onto

What to do:
None of it is hard but can be a bit fiddly I found it best to make a production line and do one bit at a time.

- Cut the tiny teddy legs off.
- Cut the life savers in half.
- Smear melted chocolate along the long side of the bar and place two smarties side by side. Repeat to the other side.
- Dip the teddy into chocolate and place it on the bar towards the back.
- Dip the cut half of the life saver into the chocolate in front of the bar as a steering wheel.

These really are very simple and give the kids a big smile which gives it a big tick in my books.

Happy EOFY everyone xx


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A bit about me… I’m a wife, a mother of three kids, I’m a Christian, a teacher, I cook, I clean, I sew, I paint, I garden. I'm a contradiction of myself, I eat too much drink too but try to keep healthy, I get cross with my husband, I don’t always have enough patience with my kids. I get caught up on the stupid details of life and sometimes forget about the importance of the big picture. This blog is my blog, my space to share, to rant, a place to create I hope you like what I am doing and would love you to follow along.