I was personally very pleased with the way the cake looked when it left my place, its a big cake so would be great for a party and was very easy to make. But even more pleased when this was emailed to me;

Mr 6 has taken to watching a bit of Masterchef before bed most nights and so was keen to re-create a dramatic reveal of the inside of the cake complete with tension-building pauses and gasps. After mounting it on a cake stand we cut a large wedge and carefully pulled it out to examine - the dark chocolatey-brown coating was cloaking a swirl of vanilla, pink and chocolate marble cake. At this point his taste buds took over - "it looks awesome!". Mr 6's piece was demolished in record time.
The occasion gave me a good excuse to break out my late mother-in-law's Royal Albert and have myself a civilised afternoon repast of tea and cake. It also forced me to cut a reasonable sized piece to fit on the delicate cake plate rather than the slab I had been eyeing off.
The cake has a firm crust with a moist interior. The subtle variations in flavour provide some fun for taste buds and the eye. I think it would be a great birthday cake as the firmness would hold up to decorating but hey, any afternoon or morning tea would also suit this beauty as it isn't too rich for everyday.
Thanks Lauren!
Marble Cake
250gr melted
butter cooled
4 well
beaten eggs
1 ½ cup
caster sugar
3 cups SF
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon
A pinch of
1 tablespoon
food colouring
Preheat oven 180c.
Beat butter and eggs.
Add sugar, flour, milk and essence. Beat well
for 3min.
Divide mixture into three.
Add red/pink colouring and raspberry flavouring
to one.
Add cocoa and if required a dash of milk.
To assemble the cake blob the mixtures around
the tin, then drag a skewer through them
to help mix it up a little.
Bake for approx. 50min.
125gr butter
2 cups icing
1/3 cocoa
Milk as
Beat butter slowly sifting in icing sugar and
If mixture becomes to stiff add a little milk
the mixture needs to be spreadable so it can cover the cake.
Looks delicious. Especially the icing.