Sunday 4 August 2013

Help a Mama Out?

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Several weeks ago I started to write a post about when do you know that you are finished having babies.  All the ladies around me assured me that you know when you are done. I simply didn’t have that feeling. I literally had this tiny voice in my head that would whisper  ‘I want another baby’ even though my big voice would yell ‘no, no more morning sickness, no more new born night feeds, not another baby in nappies…I want me back’. The little voice remained with its strange little whispers.  I never finished writing that post because 8 weeks ago (yes I found out I was pregnant when I was only 4 weeks so yes this will be the longest pregnancy!!) that I was expecting my third child, yeah.
We were not trying for another baby, I was trying to tell the voice in my head to shh and stop talking nonsense but life has a way of over heading us. There is a quote that I love that says if you want to make God laugh tell him you plans.  This is not the first time that God has chosen a different plan to what I had in mind and when I am feeling calm and zen I think ‘wonderful its all in His hands it will all be fine.’ But when its Friday night my husband is running late from work I'm tried from work the kids are tired and cranky wanting dinner I think ‘OMG what have I got myself into’.
Meet Flimflam McBam due early Feb 2014
You see I am not despite what some may think a very organised or motivated person.  I would love nothing more than to lie on the couch watch TV all day and eat take away but that isn’t the life I want for my family so I push myself to clean the house, buy real food cook proper meals, be active walk the dog and go to the park. I know women who have three kids and their lives seem utter chaos or they are super organised. I not sure I am quite sure if I’m ready to be that grown up but I know I won’t cope in chaos so if you’re a busy mama what are your tips to keeping it altogether? I have six months to get ready, so please help a mama out.
I know that I will have enough love for another child its the day today stuff that worries me. I had a big age gap last time how do you manage with two wee ones? What do I do about a pram? What happen with naps? How do you look after and lift a 2 year old after a C-section? All advice that is given with love is welcome.


  1. Congratulations! My advice would be to remind yourself of the things you did right today, and not dwell on the times you let yourself down. Also, steer clear of Ready, Steady, Cook, it is neither educational nor entertaining but will try to convince you that it is both.

    1. I love it I will avoid Ready Steady Cook day time telly can b a killer


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A bit about me… I’m a wife, a mother of three kids, I’m a Christian, a teacher, I cook, I clean, I sew, I paint, I garden. I'm a contradiction of myself, I eat too much drink too but try to keep healthy, I get cross with my husband, I don’t always have enough patience with my kids. I get caught up on the stupid details of life and sometimes forget about the importance of the big picture. This blog is my blog, my space to share, to rant, a place to create I hope you like what I am doing and would love you to follow along.