Saturday 10 August 2013


We are a bad family…we don’t like football
In fact not only do we live in Melbourne and not really interested In AFL we are Australian and just not that interested in sport. I know it’s a shock, we are clearly bad people keep your children away.
We are not lazy couch potatoes, we love all going for a walk together, taking the dog for a walk, climbing trees, playing in the park, gardening, swimming, kicking a ball around. But we aren’t interested in organised sports, little lone watch or follow a sport. I actually quite enjoy an impromptu game of basketball or a bit of kick to kick. But play a game regularly, turn up at a set time and play for a team no thank you.  Technically I barrack for Carlton because if you were raised in my family that’s what you did, my Dad played footy so I basically understand the game but I have no desire to sit and watch it. There is no sport I would like to sit and watch unless my kid is playing then I will cheer them on the whole time.  But despite my son having done Ausskick, Milo Cricket, soccer they are not his thing and at the moment he is loving dancing and wants to do circus training.
Sometimes I feel like a bad Australian mum that I should be pushing him more, but why should I? I think that as a family we are just not that sporty  and even though that makes us a tad odd we are well able to fake our way through a Grand finale BBQ or wing it during the Olympics.


  1. I think you're the epitomy of an Australian family. Mum and Dad both working hard in and outside of the home, tree-climbing, cake-baking, crafty... the list goes on. You've even got 2.3 kids (bahaha good job on the 0.3)!!

    You've given your son the opportunity to try new things, and you haven't pushed him if he truly doesn't like them. Have a go - that's the Aussie way!

  2. Good for you Lauren. Not every kid is a sport lover, and if both the parents are not that interested in sport we shouldn't be surprised that neither are their children. I have become a bit more into the football over the last few years, but that probably comes from getting older and being home on Friday and Saturday nights!!

  3. oh thanks both of you I like to think that we are doing our best for our kids.


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A bit about me… I’m a wife, a mother of three kids, I’m a Christian, a teacher, I cook, I clean, I sew, I paint, I garden. I'm a contradiction of myself, I eat too much drink too but try to keep healthy, I get cross with my husband, I don’t always have enough patience with my kids. I get caught up on the stupid details of life and sometimes forget about the importance of the big picture. This blog is my blog, my space to share, to rant, a place to create I hope you like what I am doing and would love you to follow along.