Saturday 28 September 2013

Slow Down Papa

There is a poem that I often see posted on Facebook, its addressed to mothers and goes along the line to say mothers forget the washing, cleaning and cooking enjoy your kids now while they are little they need and want your hugs and kisses more than they want your sandwich made into a clown face and your colour coordinated birthday decorations.

I have to say the same goes for papa's, kids so much want dad to be at home to read them a story before bed or to watch them play soccer or make a mess with them, than they do want dad off busy making money or fixing up the house or working on the garden. But for some reason society has forgotten or dismissed how much kids want and need their dads. Now I understand that not all dads are great role models and some frankly need to stay away from their kids until they sort themselves out but surprise most men are amazing dads.
I am tired of that man bashing. I want my son to grow up knowing that he is an exceptional person that he doesn't get to just shrug his shoulders and say 'oh well I'm just a man' and I want my daughter to grow up knowing that she can and should expect a partner that is her equal.
I'm not really sure when and why it became hilarious and acceptable to make jokes about how useless men are.  Apart from gestating babies and breast feeding them I don't believe there is anything that a woman can do for a baby that a man cant do. I know that my man can get the kids meals, dress them, put the washing on just as well as I can. Ok he may not put them in the outfit I had planned, he may play games that I wouldn't but I also think that part of what makes time with dad so important he has a different view to me which my kids can see when they spend time with him.
The importance of dad spending time with the kids was highlighted to me this week as my husband had a week off work. We had spoken about going away and doing lots of stuff but in the end my wise man said 'lets just chill at home with the kids for the week'. Which is what we did and yes we did do some things we did a few jobs around the house, played in the backyard, we went to the Royal Melbourne Show, we read a hundred books to the kids, we sang and danced to youtube clips and were just in each others space. It was so good! I loved watching holiday us. I love watching my husband in the middle of getting the breakfast in the morning sit down on the kitchen floor with our daughter to sing 'row row row your boat' complete with actions. In an ideal world my husband and I would only work a couple of days each a week but we don't live in an ideal world so we need to work a little more than we would like. But when we can we will make sure we just slow down and hang out with our two crazy monkey kids and enjoy each others space.

Family fun captured shame about my double chin, its the angel not me promise

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A bit about me… I’m a wife, a mother of three kids, I’m a Christian, a teacher, I cook, I clean, I sew, I paint, I garden. I'm a contradiction of myself, I eat too much drink too but try to keep healthy, I get cross with my husband, I don’t always have enough patience with my kids. I get caught up on the stupid details of life and sometimes forget about the importance of the big picture. This blog is my blog, my space to share, to rant, a place to create I hope you like what I am doing and would love you to follow along.