Saturday 23 November 2013

Cra Cra about Christmas

Well its almost the end of November and its getting to be that crazy time of year CHRISTMAS. Which seems to send most of us in to panic mode we are all rushing around trying to get all the end of year stuff done school concerts, sports awards ect then throw in a heap of Christmas parties, works one, playgroups one, take something along for the class party. Friends wanting to catch up before Christmas as if on the 25th of December we blow up or something. Then there is all the shopping, shopping for special food for all the Christmas catch ups and parties, shopping for new clothes to ear to all these even and lest not for get the present shopping because after all what is Christmas without presents. As Michael on The Office says 'a present says I like you this many dollars worth'.
Christmas presents can get way out of control. My seven year old come home very stressed because a kid at school had told him if he wanted to be friends next year my son had to buy him an xbox.
I am clearly not very organised this Christmas as I have completely failed with my twelve weeks of Christmas and have generally gotten rather slack with my blog. What can I can I'm pregnant, I have two kids, I work, basically I get busy and tired just like everyone else.
Christmas seems to come with a whole lot of pressure. There seems to be a growing trend to just spend more and more money on presents. It used to be that kids got a few pieces of fruit and a toy for Christmas and they were dam happy with but now parents feel pressure not just give one gift of a doll or a little car but to give a bike, an ipad, boogie boards and barbies then all so give a lot of small gifts to fill the darlings stockings. I often feel really sad when I'm clean the kids room throw bits of broken toys in the bin because despite my best efforts to over load my kids with stuff we have an amazing amount of toys, toys in the cupboard, toys under the bed, toys stored in the shed. In a house with so many times its amazing still how often my kids will still complain of being board. The most treasured gifts my kids have are unexpected delights a teddy bear my son got when his sister was born, a pair of dolls shoes my daughter was given. When I recall my own childhood I cant remember many of the gifts I was given or even playing a lot with different toys. What I do remember is the love and laughter we shared around the dinner table ever night, the way my Mum would take us for a drive in the mountains and the adventures we would have.

But it isn't just the gift giving to children that seems way out of control its all the presents, presents to parents, to friends, to partners, to our kids teachers. Gifts to friends, siblings and partners often have coemptive edge they spent $$$ so I better spend $$$ or they might think I don't love them. When in reality it isn't stuff that makes us feel loved, valued and respected it the way we treat each other. 

Basically what I want to say to everyone is lets stop this pointless gift giving. Sure if we see a present that we think will make the other smile or be useful then lets share that. But lets stop the pointless giving of stuff to some how prove that we like the other person or that we are indeed a good person ourselves. Lets breath and enjoy the end of the year, lets go in to the new year with a little cash in our pockets and not a maxed out credit card.
So this year instead of twisting myself up in knots about Christmas presents, trying to create magical memories.  I am chillaxing about the whole thing I will get people something I think they will like or use it might be home made it might be store bought, it maybe second hand or it may not be a thing but rather time for us together because the memories I would like my friends and family to have from Christmas 2013 is a happy, relaxed me not exhausted, stressed out, yelling and crying me.

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A bit about me… I’m a wife, a mother of three kids, I’m a Christian, a teacher, I cook, I clean, I sew, I paint, I garden. I'm a contradiction of myself, I eat too much drink too but try to keep healthy, I get cross with my husband, I don’t always have enough patience with my kids. I get caught up on the stupid details of life and sometimes forget about the importance of the big picture. This blog is my blog, my space to share, to rant, a place to create I hope you like what I am doing and would love you to follow along.