Saturday 16 November 2013

The Joys of Pregnacy

I am currently growing my third child, I'm about to cross over into the third trimester. I have apparently been experiencing the blooming trimester the past 12 weeks and yes knowing what the first and the last trimester are like the middle bit is the easy bit but I am clearly not a woman that pregnancy agrees with. 
When I was pregnant with my son I was covered in dermatitis and I do mean covered, arms, legs, body and face. It truly was gross despite lathering my skin in moisturisers I would wake each morning to bed filled with my flaky skin and red, swollen and bleeding skin. I was living with my sister at the time and she would regularly comment that she was bracing herself for the morning I came out with bone showing I had scratched so much skin away in my sleep. For me the worst part of the dermatitis was that it was largely on my face. It surrounded my lips and eyes I looked like some kind of crazed clown. I spent large chunks of the pregnancy avoiding being seen by people, I remember after one week that I had refused to go to uni as I just couldn't deal with the starting and my brother in-law was trying to be kind saying 'it really isn't that bad don't worry' and almost believing him my mum coming over saying 'yeah if my face looked like that I wouldn't want to go out either', I knew it really did look bad because my mum is neither mean or very vain. What made it worse than feeling like I looked like a freak and not wanting people to see me was that if I cried because I felt so miserable then around my eyes would sting like a mofo and cause more tears.
When I was pregnant with my daughter whole different ball game. I got morning sickness. Morning sickness I had prepared for I had it with my son but at around 8 weeks it left. With my daughter I would vomit mostly in the morning but feel gross thru out the day. Cooking was hideous task, the smells over whelming. The only food I really craved were utter crap strawberry big M, Maccas and hot chips hmmm all so healthy. To begin with I patently waited for the morning sickness to go, to stop my regular morning meeting with the laundry sink. But despite what doctors and midwives told me about things easing at 12 week or maybe 16 or 18 weeks things continued with me vomiting along the way until the morning I went into labour at 42 weeks.
Now some wise women would say 'I have been thru enough, my body has endured enough two not so fun pregnancy, one four day labour and two emergency C-sections. I have a lovely son and daughter there is no reason to go thru any of that again'. But I am clearly not wise. Because here I sit 28 weeks this time not vomiting or covered in dermatitis no this time I have developed another fun pregnancy side effect that no one bothered to tell me about until it was happening to me. I have developed carpol tunnel which the doctors seems very confident will leave when the pregnancy the baby is born. I was clueless that something like this could happen when I first started noticing the numbness in my hands I dramatically thought that I has developing MS. So now as the baby grows so does the pins and needles feeling and the cramps it makes it harder for me to do my crafty pursuits so I apologise for the lack of craft post I really am trying. And if you ever hear me mention that perhaps I would like a fourth child please slap my face because clearly I am a masochist. 

1 comment:

  1. The joys of pregnancy! I was extremely itchy all over for a few weeks, had haemorrhoids, constipation, sore gums, sore tummy muscles, gagging every morning at the thought of anything other than toast and a Big M. The final month where I was possibly about to have the baby that day, every day and you're meant to somehow remain as fit as a marathon runner while also getting as much sleep as you can, all while feeling like a whale has beached itself on your pelvis. Good luck with it LJ.


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A bit about me… I’m a wife, a mother of three kids, I’m a Christian, a teacher, I cook, I clean, I sew, I paint, I garden. I'm a contradiction of myself, I eat too much drink too but try to keep healthy, I get cross with my husband, I don’t always have enough patience with my kids. I get caught up on the stupid details of life and sometimes forget about the importance of the big picture. This blog is my blog, my space to share, to rant, a place to create I hope you like what I am doing and would love you to follow along.