Saturday 28 December 2013

Bye Bye 2013...Hello 2014

So we have had the end of year concerts and parties, school reports have come home, the kids are on holidays, Christmas has come and went. Now looms New Years Eve which I have long given up to being any more than a chance to catch up with friends I think your night is simply doomed if you put any more pressure on it than that and start thinking it will be best and biggest night of the year.
I remember many moons when I was living in Edinburgh I has stayed the last month or so to be there for Hogmanay. I was pretty well over working at the hostel that like it was from the Shinning and couldn’t stand working for the crazed Scottish woman who insisted we scrub the floor on our hands and knees. But I pushed thru so to be there for Hogmanay which was touted to be the biggest and best New Years party that I will ever experience.  We were allowed to knock off work at about 10pm and made our way onto the main street with drinks in hand all pumped for the night ahead. I think we were there for all of 10 minutes before they started making the announcements ‘MOVE OFF THE STREETS. HOGMANAY IS CANCELLED DUE TO BAD WEATHER’ now perhaps in another party of the world you would expect this but is Scotland come on what’s a bit of wind. Anyway we disgruntle made our way to a pub that my crush of the moment was working at but now before we polished off the bottle of vodka.  Shortly before midnight I was holding my friends hair back from her face as she became better friends with the toilet. After the stroke of midnight  when we were all pashing everyone I saw her kissing a guy who pulled away asking ‘have you just spewed?’ so the moral of the story  is not hold out for the biggest night of your life just go with the flow and try not to pash the person who has just spewed. 
This year conveniently my New Years celebration has been planned for me, we are celebrating our friend’s wedding and frankly I'm wrapped.
But as the year draws to a close you cant help but think of all that  has changed thru the past year and what your hopes and dreams are for the following 12 months. For 2013 has seen Missy learn to walk, start talking and completely come into her own she is no longer a baby but a little girl, she is a power house, a force to be wrecked with. For Mr he has grown up so much both physically and emotionally. This year saw him losing his first tooth and develop a passion for both dance and drawing (would never have predicted that). 
I have had my ups and downs. I have things I am proud of and things that I wish had of gone differently but I look back over the past 12 months and feel satisfied.  There has been more good times than bad, more feast than famine, more laughter than tears.
2014 looks to be another big year with the birth of our third child in just a few weeks. I have all the usual hope for the New Year, better health, more money, more time to spend with the ones I love.  I have big plans for the blog and growing LJ’s Designs (with all my free time ha ha ha). I want to focus the blog on living more creatively when you are time poor.
I would love to hear what you have planned for 2014. And again thank you for all your support your feedback and comments keep spurring me on.


  1. I'm so glad to have planned your New Year's celebrations! It's going to be a wicked night - one where I can finally be the princess and the wife (and now will always have something to celebrate on New Years!). Can't wait to see what the new year brings for all of us :)

    1. I feel so blessed to be able to help celebrate your marriage cant wait to see you all frocked up xx


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A bit about me… I’m a wife, a mother of three kids, I’m a Christian, a teacher, I cook, I clean, I sew, I paint, I garden. I'm a contradiction of myself, I eat too much drink too but try to keep healthy, I get cross with my husband, I don’t always have enough patience with my kids. I get caught up on the stupid details of life and sometimes forget about the importance of the big picture. This blog is my blog, my space to share, to rant, a place to create I hope you like what I am doing and would love you to follow along.