Saturday 15 February 2014

Why 'The Biggest Loser' Makes Me Mad

Now I understand that just a couple of weeks ago I posted about how I was going to look on the positive side of things more and today I am sharing why I hate something. Sure I could use a less intense words like greatly dislike or despise but it all comes down to one thing I hate the t.v. show 'The Biggest Loser' and I don't think it because I am over weight and the show is pointing out my short comings as a person.

When it comes down to it I find the Biggest Loser a completely strange and bazar concept for a t.v. Ignore for a moment the way the contestants are treated for being over weight and focus in on that this is a health issue for these  people. What other health issue would have contestants competing to get healthy? Can you imagine cancer patients competing to get cured or at least extend their lives by trialling different treatments for our entertainment and 'education'? Or having a show for anorexic people called 'He Who Eats Wins.'

I despise the way the contestants are treated and I don't think its just because I am over weight myself. In my humble opinion they treat the contestants like a bunch of stupid fatties. Saying things like 'they just have to eat less and move more', really if it was just that simple don't they think they would have done it? Don't they think that most people  who are over weight would have done it? Do they really not think that perhaps there is more going on when a person gets to 180kg and perhaps a doctor, dietian, nathraph, psychologist maybe useful?

As an over weight person I recent they way they portray overweight people. They show fatties as people who have no understanding or interest in health and nutrian. People who just sit around all day eating ice cream and chocolate and can't understand why they are indeed over weight.

I hate the way that the show seems to think that the worst thing a person would be is fat. That there is no possible way that a person could be happy, smart and successful if overweight. There are a load of things that I would hate to be rather than fat, I'd hate to be a jerk, or uncaring, I'd hate to be ignorant and uncompassionate. And frankly I'd rather be fat that the type of person who would have an affair with a person who has a family.

Speaking from personal experience a major factor to my weight is my mental health when I'm feeling stressed, overwhelmed and like life is pretty crap I find it pretty hard to take care of myself they way I should and I eat crap and don't move as much as I should. But I also know that I have thyroid issue that needs to be kept in check to help me stay healthy.
The show claims to be doing it all for the good of the contestants and promises to change their lives along with the viewer. I can't help but wonder how many people has the show damaged, damaged by being contestants or viewers because they have bought in to the lie that because they are overweight they are not a good person. Yes health is important but in my mind good health is not just in numbers on a scale or the back of your jeans but its about the whole person and that includes physical and emotional health.


  1. I agree with a lot of what you're saying...I have been overweight myself and am proud to say I have nearly lost it all!
    Mental health and mindset is critical and I do believe they work with them a lot on that, even if it's behind the scenes.
    I know you mentioned that you wondered if they were damaged because "they have bought into the lie that because they are overweight they are not a good person" but is that actually what they are being told? Or is that the message you are taking from it?
    It's worth investigating...
    I don't believe these people are victims of a tv show...they have obviously got to the point where they are ready for change and don't know where to begin so they ask for help. I don't think going on a tv show is for everyone that's for sure but they freely sign up for it and freely watch it. Its no different to the day any of us decide that enough is enough and we start taking action to lose the weight, work on our mindset, start exercising or learn about better nutrition. I know for me, I needed to work on my mindset first, I needed a really good "why" to motivate me to make lifestlye changes and put myself and my health first.
    I don't think it's fair on yourself to say you'd rather be overweight than someone that cheats or is uncaring. You wouldn't be any of those things if you lost weight. It never has to be either/or. I do understand though that it can feel like such a big hurdle and block to take that first step forward though.
    I can tell you honestly though, that the mental clarity, self confidence and health that I have now is 100% on what it was a year ago. So, I think what they try and explain is that our bodies are constantly in a state of struggle when we're overweight...they're fighting the sugar rushes, they're working harder to pump our blood and move us around, we feel sluggish and often lack energy, our health suffers. No, it's not the worst thing in the world, but it's really not the best either. We're not operating at our best in this stage. Now, maybe there are exceptions but from personal experience that's how I felt. Any steps we can take to improve on our health is a step in the right direction!
    I really hope that this comment isn't taken in the wrong way...just offering some alternative views and ideas...

  2. Thanks for your comment Kristie, so pleased that you have been able to shed your weight. I have been there (put in back on with two pregnancies) and it is indeed great. I want to clarify that I think it is better for people to be at an ideal weight for themselves. My issue with the show and its only my opinion is that they don't treat the contestants with a lot of respect. They may work on the emotional side of things but they show very little of it on the show. Also I don't think you are either fat and a good person and thin and not. My point is that when we are thinking about self improvement weight doesn't need to be the bench mark at which we measure ourselves.

  3. The fact that you compare the importance of obesity as a health issue on par with cancer is what struck me most. So right you are! (In my humble opinion). This is not a game, a competition where he/she who loses the most gets the treatment, this is a serious medical issue and the fact that our society has turned it into a game is most worrying. Not to mention the fact that all the experts say tat rapid weight loss os not healthy.
    Having said that I do like the show, warts and all. I see these people as winners and have the utmost respect for them. They are no different to an alcoholic who says "I have a problem," and takes that first step to sobriety. I cringe at the trainers who push them hard, use poor technique and think that spewing is a sign of a good workout. There are so many other issues tat are associated with weight gain than calories in vs calories burned. Some is genetic, some is medical, some is psychological and then there is the calories formula. We are not talking about people who are a little overweight who just want to tone up. We are talking about people with a genuine medical condition, not an excuse, and only with proper care and treatment, they will achieve good health again. But thats just my opinion :)

    1. Amy is great to hear your opinion. All I am ever doing with my blog is sharing my opinion and I love hearing what others think regardless of if it is the same as mine.


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A bit about me… I’m a wife, a mother of three kids, I’m a Christian, a teacher, I cook, I clean, I sew, I paint, I garden. I'm a contradiction of myself, I eat too much drink too but try to keep healthy, I get cross with my husband, I don’t always have enough patience with my kids. I get caught up on the stupid details of life and sometimes forget about the importance of the big picture. This blog is my blog, my space to share, to rant, a place to create I hope you like what I am doing and would love you to follow along.