Saturday 10 May 2014

I wish it was 1980

I know that today is Mothers day and today all the mummy bloggers will be posting about what the day means to them or heartfelt messages about how they miss loved one but I am not in a sentimental mood. I'm a bit grumpy truth be told. My other half and I often talk about how we wish is was the 1980's in our mind the 80's was guilt free time here is a list of thing I would like to do if it was 1980;

Smoke- oh lordy I miss smoking. Pre kids I was a great smoker, loved it was never going to stop but then I got pregnant with my son and I really didn't want to expose my baby to all that and its really expensive but if it was 1982 and i could pretend it wasn't bad for me or my kids and cost be 75cents packet BRING IT ON.

Sun bake- yeah I know its terrible for your skin makes you age faster blah blah blah but it feels great laying in the warm sun plus I like the look of golden skin even though I'm not meant to.

Use the t.v. as a baby sitter- ok sure I may do this from time to time but I feel terribly guilty about it. And I'm sure i watched way more t.v. as a kid than mine do. I recall large chunks of my happy childhood watching Agro's Cartoon Connection and Burk's Back Yard. I wish I could chill out more about the way I am raising my kids feeling rest assured I'm not a bad mother if we have lazy days vegging out watching t.v. or to utilize the t.v. when I need to get some stuff done.

Kids walking themselves to school- I have very few memories of my mum taking me to school or even being the younger sibling as my mum picked up my sisters. I'm pretty sure we walked most of the time. We even had to cross a main road, first i did it with my older sister then the girl across the road. I have great memories of her and i scamming a dollar and buying lollies to or from school.

The joys of packet food- When I was growing up organic was a strange word, had never heard of paleo our parents were happy gibing us packets of chips in our lunch box with primmas to wash down our white bread sandwiches. Happy days! I can't recall constantly being told 'what is really in that' o 'how terrible that food really is'. There was fat food and diet food end of story.  

In celebration of Mother's day I'm kicking back at relaxing with a white bread sandwiche while my kids watch t.v. and I long for a ciggy. Hope you all have a good one.


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A bit about me… I’m a wife, a mother of three kids, I’m a Christian, a teacher, I cook, I clean, I sew, I paint, I garden. I'm a contradiction of myself, I eat too much drink too but try to keep healthy, I get cross with my husband, I don’t always have enough patience with my kids. I get caught up on the stupid details of life and sometimes forget about the importance of the big picture. This blog is my blog, my space to share, to rant, a place to create I hope you like what I am doing and would love you to follow along.