Saturday, 6 September 2014

How to spot a great Dad

Poor old dad's get a hard time nut they truth is great days are all around us. To be a great dad you don't have to have biological children heck you don't even need a doodle but there are some important features you need to include is you want to be a great dad.

1. Show up- half of parenting is just being there, being present with your kids. Don't let your life be so busy that there isn't enough time for your kids. If you never make it a priority to see your kids when they are young don't be surprised when they don't make you a priority when they are grown.

2. Laugh with your kids not at them- Great down on the floor and play with your kids the best memories in life can't be planned they just happen and often because you stopped worrying about all the other stuff and just have fun.

3. Support your kids- I don't just mean with money but that's pretty bloody important, don't be that jerk who is sinking a six pack every weekend and your kids need new shoes.But also support the choices they make, don't 

4. Show respect to their mother-  When mums and dads get along the real winners are the kids. I f you love your kids then love their mother they are 50 per cent from her.

5. Be worthy of respect- chances are your little people are going to look up to you. Make sure that you are worthy of that respect. Treat yourself and others in a way that would make you proud if you saw your kids acting like it. Be the best you can be and if you get it wrong be real enough to admit it.
To all the great dads out there I salute you its not an easy gig you have but thanks from the rest of us you make the biggest difference. 


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